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'BEST for Ben' - DIY SOS The Big Build

Early 2016 a young family went on holiday and Ben, the father, hadn't been able to return since - following a tragic pool accident which broke his neck.

Here are the photos from the Big Reveal - filmed on Thursday 22nd June 2017.

We were privileged to be able to help with the appliances for the kitchen, in the newly adapted and refurbished home for Ben and his family.

It was a very emotional time for the family to be reunited and the Big Reveal took longer than usual due to having to stop, while family members recomposed themselves.

Apparently, during the build, Princess Anne visited several times, as her fields back onto the property and she was able to walk around the house and garden during low key, informal visits.

This BBC show is available on BBC iplayer. 

25 June 2017

 Video Link: You can just see me at the end with the trades coming down the road! Click here

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